Tai Chi - BodyHoliday

Travel Saint Lucia

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Stroll through a Chinese city early in the morning, and you’re likely to see groups of people exercising in the park. You’ll see them moving through a series of slow, graceful movements. As their bodies flow from one exercise to the next, their minds are focused only on their deep, relaxed breathing.

Tai chi is called a mind-body type of exercise because it combines meditation, focused breathing, and physical movement. Because it’s also a low-impact exercise, it may be particularly well suited for older adults, but it’s a beneficial exercise for people of all ages. Tai chi developed in China as a type of martial art. No one is exactly sure of its origin, but legend has it that it was started by a Taoist monk named Chang San-Feng, who developed 13 exercises based on the movements of animals. Today tai chi is used to promote fitness, meditation, balance, breathing, and well-being.

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